Water rights solutions.

Merrill Law LLC welcomes smaller clients who need top quality counsel at an affordable rate. I represent all types of water users, including:

Check structure on Cherry Creek

Farms and Ranches

Farmers and ranchers were among the first to divert water for beneficial use in Colorado. Agriculture goes beyond food production and includes preservation of landscapes and culture. I have experience with all manner of farms and ranch water right issues and always enjoy working with Colorado’s producers.

Business & Industry

Many companies encounter water law while pursuing other business objectives. Industries use water as an input, coolant or cleaner in their production process. Natural resources companies may divert water in the course of accessing gravel, minerals, gas or oil. The water rights aspects need to be managed as efficiently as possible so the focus can remain on the bottom line. I have extensive experience in corporate water acquisitions, water rights strategy, and assisting businesses in leveraging water as an asset.

Ditch Companies

Mutual ditch companies are special corporate entities in Colorado with water rights ownership is divided pro rata among shares of stock. They hold many of the state’s most senior water rights. In addition to facing changes in the river, ditch companies are also evolving internally. As individual owners sell or change the use of their shares of stock, water rights management and company decisions must serve a variety of sometimes competing interests. I have experience advising ditch company boards and shareholders with issues both on the ditch and on the river.


Are you considering buying property in rural Colorado? There are important water rights issues to understand that go beyond tap water. The beautiful pond on the property may be at risk if it does not have adequate water rights. If water rights are included and increasing the price of the transaction, buyers should investigate title to be sure they get what they are paying for. Water rights are not included in typical title insurance policies. I can help with water rights investigations and preparing the appropriate transaction documents at an affordable hourly rate.

Local Government & Districts

Water providers face it all. Long term planning for changed populations and land use mixes. Defending existing water rights. Identifying and acquiring assets to complement or build the water portfolio. Competition or partnership with other providers. Infrastructure siting. Drought planning. I have more than a dozen years’ experience working with cities, towns and districts on all types of water matters.

Comprehensive Water Rights Experience

I assist clients with all types of Colorado water rights issues, including but not limited to: